Leaning into our Marriages...

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In the coming two weeks we are going to lean into our marriages at NCC.  As we have been working through Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church, he has spent all of chapters 4 and 5 so far addressing how we live out our faith … if we are ONE With Christ then we will also be ONE With Each Other.

He presents many images and principles for us … walking in the light, being children of God, love and holiness, being filled with the Holy Spirit, mutual submission.  As Jesus came to serve (not to be served), the example is set here for us to do the same – to approach one another in an attitude of service.

The application is for all relationships but Paul draws special attention to our primary relationships in life.  He very specifically calls special attention to our marriage, family, and work relationships.

As we spend the next two weeks focusing on our marriages, I ask you to consider the health of your marriage.  We tend to want to assume we’re “good”, or we know there is an underlying problem but do not want to admit it.  I propose that (in the same way we seek medical check-ups or tune-ups on our vehicles) marriage check-ins are valuable and important.  

 How is this possible?  We do this through friends, small groups, and regular dialogue with our spouse.  I would also offer a tool like Enrich Canada … something which I am trained to use.  It provides a check-in on your life and marriage covering many aspects of life from communication and conflict resolution to finances and activity preferences.  

It is right and good for any marriage at any stage as a means of continually strengthening the relationship.  Let me know here if this would interest you.  Check out their website here to learn more.

  • Annual General Meeting – tonight at 7pm

And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. (Genesis 2:25)

Pastor Ryan

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